
24 Hours in A&E

So I’m not entirely sure which episode we watched I just thought I’d share.

I thought the doctor they followed at Kings was rather wise for his years, how he spoke about death and such, a lot to mull over.

I haven’t blogged in awhile due to exams. I’ll do another in the next few days about my volunteering at the hospice.

When the sixteen year old girl was brought in having been crushed by her horse and the fence I didn’t think she’d have much, if any luck. As all the scans came back negative I started to think she might be alright. That maybe she’s just confused about the situation and doesn’t really have this lack of feeling down the left side of her body. And then you see the parents, how strong they were; casually talking about their daughters risk of paralysis. It was just incredible, their bravery was just immense. The only sign was in their eyes.

So yeah, slightly sombre way to end the evening, recapping this and the emotions it brings.

Will be updating more often now

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